Middle School 6-8
While the Grammar stage is learning the “what” or facts of something, the middle school years roughly correspond to the leaning of “why.” In this phase, students are very naturally testing the facts they have learned, putting data together in an understandable way. Students in these years develop the capacity for more abstract thought, as they expand on the knowledge base acquired during the grammar stage. Now, however, emphasis is placed on using these facts to create proper sentences, to define terms and eliminate ambiguity, and to detect fallacies. Students at this age love to question and debate. To equip them to argue correctly, we teach both informal and formal courses in Logic, whereby they are taught properly to construct and critique valid arguments, to recognize logical fallacies, to identify critical underlying assumptions, and to develop sound reasoning skills.
Logic: Early Logic Skills Developed in All Subjects
Bible: The Gospels
Language Arts: Modern Literature Emphasis: Shakespeare & Poetry
History: Modern World History
Latin: Latin Primer
Math: 6th Grade Math
Science: Human Anatomy & Physiology
Physical Education: Sport Fundamentals
Music: Cantorum (all school choir)
Electives: Drama, Christian Cultural Studies, Wilderness Survival, Biblical Masculinity, Robotics, Greek I, French I, Art, String Ensemble, Worship Band, Summit Chapel Media, Women of the Word, Auto Maintenance, Speech and Debate
Logic: Informal/Categorical Logic
Bible: Acts-Revelation
Language Arts: Western Literature & Culture I
History: Western Civilization I
Latin: Latin 1
Math: 7th Grade Math/Algebra I
Science: Earth Science
Physical Education: Sports Fundamentals
Music: Cantorum (all school choir)
Electives: Drama, Christian Cultural Studies, Wilderness Survival, Biblical Masculinity, Robotics, Greek I, French I, Art, String Ensemble, Worship Band, Summit Chapel Media, Women of the Word, Auto Maintenance, Speech and Debate
Logic: Formal/Propositional Logic
Bible: The Torah
Language Arts: Western Literature & Culture II
History: Western Civilization II
Latin: Latin II
Math: Pre-Algebra/Algebra I/Geometry
Science: Physical Science
Physical Education: Sports Fundamentals
Music: Cantorum (all school choir)
Electives: Drama, Christian Cultural Studies, Wilderness Survival, Biblical Masculinity, Robotics, Greek I, French I, Art, String Ensemble, Worship Band, Summit Chapel Media, Women of the Word, Auto Maintenance, Speech and Debate