Vision of a Graduate
Vision of a Graduate
Joyful Disciples
Love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength
Exhibit joy, peace, and hope
Love Christ’s church and regularly worship to tune their hearts and affections to that of their Maker
Rooted in Truth
Knowledgeable of the redemptive meta-narrative, Truth, and theological nuances found in God’s Word
Able to contend for their faith and to give a response for the hope they have
Life-long desire to increase in knowledge and wisdom, clinging to what is right
Appreciative of objective truth, goodness, and beauty as a reflection of the holiness and eternal majesty of God
Glorifying God
Obedient to God’s calling and leading
Faithful in spiritual disciplines and service
Lead their families in generational instruction and discipleship
Curious Thinkers
Intellectually curious adults who realize all knowledge is made complete only when seen and understood in relation to the eternal glory and purposes of the triune God
Thoughtful analyzers who learn and think for themselves
Lifelong learners who weigh what they have learned against society’s values and instruction
Equipped to understand and build culture in our current age because of a grasp on the historical and cultural contexts of history, language, and art that have led us to our present time
Eloquent Communicators
Articulate in speech and written word
Winsome in engagement, respectful, and socially graceful and gracious
Effective in persuasion
Passionate Stewards of God’s Gifts
Self-Aware of Natural and Spiritual Gifting
Open-Handed with Gifts to Serve God’s Purpose
Compassionate for those without hope and equipped to joyfully fulfill the Great Commission with gratitude and humility