Important Information for Parents
As a support and extension of the family unit, Summit Classical Christian School considers the family to be of first importance to a child.
God, through His Word, the Bible, indicates that the family is the most important human institution He designed since He compares it to the relationship believers have with Christ and the Father. Therefore, at Summit we are continually seeking ways to actively involve the parents, siblings, and grandparents of our students in the programs of the school.
The Summit Handbook
Not only do we view family time in the evening as being of utmost importance, we also believe that the highest quality of learning happens in the presence of a trusting relationship between a teacher and student. For this and many other reasons, we limit homework in the lower grades to extra practice in subjects like spelling, Bible verse memorization, math practice, reading and writing. In the middle and upper school, homework is more common, but we still have limits around what, when and how much homework we send home. We strive to send no more than 10-20 minutes of homework per subject when needed to finish an assignment that has been started in class (and not every day).
We do not send homework over the weekend or during holidays. In total, we strive to not send more homework than 10 minutes per grade of school the student is in. So a 2nd grader might have 20 minutes maximum per night, while a 7th grader might have 70 minutes maximum per night. We encourage open communication between parents and teachers so that we have an accurate assessment of how much homework each student is doing.
We believe that when students show up to learn at Summit, they need to know that they are entering into a sacred and special place with a special purpose. We ask students to wear uniforms as an outward sign that school-time is set apart from the rest of their lives.
To view our Uniform Policy and schedule, please visit our Uniform Policy page.
Summit will independently determine school closures and delays based on the road conditions in the areas where our families live. Families will be notified via text message and email by 6:00am.
Please let us know right away so that we can pray for him/her and support you during your child’s absence. Students get time to make up their missed assignments once they have healed. Students with a fever over 100 (with no fever reducing agents on board), vomit or diarrhea must stay home from school. Students need to be free of these ailments for 24 hours before they return to school.