Summit Faculty


A.S. Degree in Criminal Justice; A.A. Degree in General Studies

B.A. Degree [Christian] Religion, History Education Certificate

M.A. Degree in Biblical Studies, M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction (History focus)

D. Min Degree Liberty University Graduation project, “What Every Christian… Should know about Islam

Ordained by the Southern Baptist Church

Ministry Experience:

House Parent for “I Believe” Christian Attention Group Home for youth ages 8-18 being adjudicated in Idaho

Youth, Education, and Apologetic Associate Pastor for 8 years.

Christian Educator in Christian Secondary Schools for over 26 years:

Taught classes in a variety of subjects: Old & New Testament Surveys, Western Civilization, World History, U.S. History, Biblical Theology, Apologetics and Comparative Religions. AI have also have taught Introduction to New Testament Greek for 11 years.

Christian Professor of Introduction to Apologetics at Liberty University Seminary for 10 years.

One of the greatest rewards for being a Christian educator has been having the opportunity to teach my three sons - many of the classes mentioned above.